Our Story

In Rod and Sam's own words:

We are third-generation dairy farmers; running two DeLaval VMS V300s side by side since 2019, for our herd of around one-hundred-and-fifty dairy cows. Since then, we’ve been aiming to do as much
of our own maintenance as possible to keep our costs and down time to a minimum. But in one week, we replaced
a protective camera frame for one of our machines, only for it to break three days later. We are sure any dairy farmer in a similar position to us can appreciate they cost a considerable amount of money.

Over the last few years, we have been engineering a fully-comprehensive refurbishing process for protective camera frames for our VMS V300s from scratch. Through trial and error, we have been working to improve the longevity and functionality of the parts initially for our own use; but we want to help other dairy farmers who regularly experience the same problems we have.

We have developed our extensive testing facility in order to pinpoint any flaws in the individual glass segments within each frame – even when not visible to the naked eye. Once the faulty glass segments are identified, we replace them with our own choice of high-quality glass. Next, we hot press our new, specially-designed sealing gasket to form the perfect seal between the frame and the camera, stress-free. Before we send back any parts, we re-test them for quality and longevity assurance.

Just this past year, we have refurbished well over a hundred frames for dairy farmers based all over the world!

Get in touch if you want to hear more about how we improve and test our parts to get the best out of them